Wedding Joyce & ArendJan, The Netherlands

Joyce and I met a couple of years ago whilst volunteering at an orphanage in South Africa and I was so excited when she asked me to shoot her wedding in the Netherlands last June.
We started the day at Joyce’s parents house where Joyce got ready. In typical Dutch tradition their first look happened when ArendJan came to the house to pick up Joyce in a beautiful red oldtimer. We then drove to the city of Harderwijk where Joyce grew up for their couple shoot. Joyce really wanted to include the house that her grandfather used to live in in our shoot. Unfortunately he passed away a couple of years ago, but by taking pictures in his street it felt like he still was part of their wedding day, how special! It was a really windy morning but both Joyce and ArendJan smiled, laughed and giggled all the way through the shoot making it lots of fun.
After the couple shoot we drove back to Joyce’s parents house where all the day visitors had arrived. In the Netherlands its very common to have a small group of guests (closest family and friends) join the couple for the day, and the rest of the guests to only be there for the reception.
I then followed the little red wedding car to the city hall for the first ceremony of the day. Together with all the guests I waited in front of the city hall for Joyce and ArendJan to arrive in their beautiful wedding car when suddenly they came walking around the corner together. The wedding car actually broke down just around the corner, causing all the lols with everyone! Luckily they both have a great sence of humor and did their grand entrance on foot
ArendJan proposed to Joyce on a plane so the theme of the wedding was “Travel”. How cute do those little ring bearers look in their pilot outfits?
After a lovely ceremony at the city hall it was time for family pics and a nice lunch with all the guests. Since the wedding car was unfortunately no longer safe to drive, we all walked right through the centre of town to the church, causing lots of surprised looks and well wishes from people passing by.
Joyce and ArendJan are both musicians so the church service was filled with songs and music and the kids of Joyce’s choir did the cutest little performance. After cake and canapes at the church we all traveled to the reception venue where we had a lovely diner and a spectacular cutting of the wedding cake.
It was then time for me to leave whilst Joyce and ArendJan partied the night away with their family and friends.
Thank you so much guys for choosing me to capture your special day for you!
Much love, Wilma